La última guía a amazing curiosities

In his first appearance, Wilder wanted Wonka to limp toward the crowd with a cane in hand before falling into a perfect somersault and jumping back up. The reason? “Because from that time on, no one will know if I’m lying or telling the truth.”

2. Shillington Design Blog: Brought to you by the people at Shillington, an international graphic design college with campuses in the UK, America and Australia, this blog is full of inspiring work, industry insights and people. 3. Abduzeedo: A successful and well-known popular blog about design, including plenty of inspiration and tutorials to support other creatives. 4. MIRADOR: Mirador is the image hunting work of Say What Studio, a graphic design duo based in Paris, France.

His wacky drawings are mainly based on relatable life situations, education, and crazy stories that would never be possible in real life. Some of the jokes are a little harsh but all are pretty darn funny.

This image of Betelgeuse, check here one of the brightest stars in the sky, is a color composite made from exposures taken Campeón part of the Digitized Sky Survey 2.

Blog completo dirigido a emprendedores y profesionales que buscan consejos sobre marketing digital, emprendimiento, la cesión de infoproductos o acertadamente afiliaciones.

Among these curiosities is a Martian hum—a quiet, constant drone that seems to pulse to the beat of “marsquakes” that rattle the planet.

Eva es conferenciante, formadora y escritora, y comparte todas sus pasiones relacionadas con el mundo del marketing en su blog personal.

Si pasas mucho tiempo en Internet, probablemente vas a conocer gran cantidad de weblogs interesantes, y asimismo vas a tener ciertos de preferencia, los cuales prosigues con más asiduidad.

Need a little something more entertaining? The Useless Web is a website that's somewhat similar, except that its only goal is to show you the most pointless websites that exist on the internet.

Betelgeuse is usually among the brightest stars in the sky, but in December 2019, its intense twinkle mysteriously dimmed. The dramatic change set scientists abuzz: Perhaps Betelgeuse was at the end of its life and could explode in a supernova brighter than the full moon.

Hyperbole and a Half is a Blogger blog that was created by Allie Brosh, a young woman with a talent for telling her left story through detailed Microsoft Paint drawings. She says her blog is not really a webcomic, but it’s not really a blog either.

Se prostitución del weblog de Lucas Aisa, donde encontrarás todo lo referido a estrategias de marketing, comunicación y atención al cliente desde una perspectiva diferente.

Whatever our nationality, religion or sexuality, we're all human, and we all crave intimacy. Exploring the "relationship between seeing and love", Elle Pérez's groundbreaking photo series Devotions provides a unique take on this topic.

Este es el weblog de José Manuel Gómez-Zorrilla, en el que se trata el marketing desde una perspectiva de 360 grados y acoge a reconocidos bloggers españoles.

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